Phoenix Rising News
INSIGHT with Moonshadow The Podcast
Coming Soon...
I'll Be Podcasting very soon Development is in the works Stay Tuned!!!! :)
I'm Live Streaming on my YouTube channel & Many other platforms. Follow me on my all my Social links (Twitter, FB, Periscope & Replays on my Firetalk channel) and Subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Tune in See you there :)
Click on the Icons below to meet me there

I'm excited to announce that I am now part of the Taijifit movement alongside
David Dorian Ross, CJ MCPhee and
Jet LI!
I'm proud to be a Chi-Vangelist and Certified TaijiFit Instructor :)
David Dorian Ross, CJ MCPhee and
Jet LI!
I'm proud to be a Chi-Vangelist and Certified TaijiFit Instructor :)
Awesome Chi-Flow & Amazing People!

I am pleased to announce I am now a Certified Reflexologist through the NCBTMB! My many thanks and appreciation goes out to ALL who supported me through this adventure so far....
©Moonshadow 2012/2021